Frequently asked questions

What is included within the price of this villa?
The price displayed is inclusive of:

- Right to use of the land (lease)
- Building and everything in it as per list of items
- Taxes
- Agency commission
Are there additional costs when purchasing this villa?
In 90% of listings the only additional cost you might incur in is the notarial fee which vary depending on the Notary offered or the one of your chosing.
The fee is usually around 1% of the sale price of the villa.
Sale price USD 100,000 + Notary fee (1%) = USD 101,000
I like this property, what are the next step?
After getting in touch with us we can organise a viewing (in person or via Zoom) of the property, review the documentation, discuss payment terms, negotiate the price whereas possible and ultimately when you are ready start the acquisition process, which involves signing an MOU (memorandum of understanding) and doing a deposit to start the acquisition process.
What do i get when purchasing leasehold properties in Bali?
Once you sign the lease of your new villa in Bali you obtain the right to use the property for a specified duration, commonly between 20 to 30 years, with the possibility of extensions.
Read more about leasehold properties in Indonesia
How hard is it to buy property in Bali?
Not as hard as you might think, you can buy properties from anywhere on planet earth as long as you have an internet connection, your ID and the money to pay for a property.
We take care of the whole process start to finish.
Read more about it here.
Can i buy leasehold properties in Bali from abroad?
Yes, you can buy leasehold villas or land in Bali both as private individual without the need for a visa and as a company, via a PT PMA (Indonesian LLC equivalent).
What happens when my leasehold runs out in Bali?
When the lease for a Bali villa or land runs out you will lose the right to use of the land and by consequence the building on on top of it, reverting all the rights on the land to the landlord.
Can i resell my leasehold villa in Bali?
Yes, you can absolutely resell your lease to someone else!
You can sell it immediately after you buy it, after a few years or at any point in time down the road.

You will "sell" your right to use the land to someone else in exchange for for money.
Can i own land in Bali?
Foreign individuals and companies alike can't get full ownership of land as per Indonesian law.
They can both access leasehold contracts and only companies (PT PMA) can buy freehold properties (SHM) up to 90 years.
Is it safe to buy leasehold villas in Bali?
By working along with professionals and licensed real estate agencies yes, smooth sailing.
If you want to deal everything by yourself, yes, very much possible at a higher risk of losing money.
Will Kitn Estate assist me after a villa purchase?
Yes, our commitment is to making sure you succeed in your goals.
Purchasing a property with us comes with all of our combined years of experience in the Bali real estate market.
And for that reason, our team will be able to guide you towards profitability.
We can help you:

- Setup your company (PT PMA)
- Obtaining visas
- Provide legal assistance
- Assist in permits and licenses
- Provide villa management and more

Frequently asked questions

Why you do not list more land for sale on your website?
The Bali Homes have a solution based approach to your land shopping in Bali.
Moreover, the Bali land market is highly volatile in terms of availability and prices.
We rather to avoid surprises for you and only provide you with solutions that fit your requirements.
How hard is it to buy land in Bali?
Not as hard as you might think, you can buy land in Bali and villas from anywhere on planet earth as long as you have an internet connection, your ID and the money to pay for a property.
We take care of the whole process start to finish.
Do you provide architecture and construction services?
Yes. we have a selected network of 20+ professionals in the real estate scene that can most definitely help you achieve your goals safely.
We have experience with a wide variety of architects and contractors in Bali to cover every budget and qualitative requirement.
I do not have company in Bali, can you help?
Yes, we will point you in the right direction and take care of the whole process for you. We are not a visa agency, nor we can really give specific advice on that matter, but we can process you via a trusted third party in our network of professionals.
Do i get a visa when buying property in Bali?
No, purchasing/leasing a villa or a plot of land does not entitle you to any visa. You might want to consider applying for the correct visa based on your needs.
How the financial planning works?
Our finance team can quickly help you uncover all the costs associated with land purchase in Bali, building and eventually sales in order to give you a realistic projection of all the costs involved and a potential ROI.
Is the financial planning free?
You commit with us and we commit with you. We work to make sure you are successful and safe along the process of purchasing land in Bali.
Once you identify a land plot that you are interested in our financial team will provide you with a finance plan, timeline, cost and profits forecast for your projects.
Can i own land in Bali?
Foreign individuals and companies alike can't get complete ownership of land as per Indonesian law.
They can both access leasehold contracts but only companies can buy freehold properties (HGB) up to 80 years.
read more here
Do i need to have a company to build my villa and live in it?
No, it is not necessary for you to have any visa or to open a PT PMA. You can buy land in Bali and build your home on it under personal name however, personal name you can't generate income from your villa with means such as AirBnb rentals.
Do i need to have a company to build and sell my villa?
Yes. If you generate any kind of return wheter it's rental income or sales you must declare your revenue to the Indonesian government.
To be able to do that legally, you must open a PT PMA.